Nemocnice na ostrově popřela zprávy, že žena podlehla nákaze novým typem koronaviru Sars-CoV-2. Řecká policie musela použít slzný plyn, aby dostala situaci pod kontrolu.
Huge fires, riot on Chios after a woman dies in Vial campBREAKING: AYS volunteers on site are reporting big fires in Vial camp, Chios. The information / food distribution point and a container are currently on fire. At least one police car has been set alight, and there are reports that more cars and police cars are on fire. Earlier in the day there were protests, after a woman died this morning from a suspected heart attack. Since then there have been reports of police using tear gas to quell the protest, which has now turned into a full scale riot. The situation is still unfolding, and we will give updates with as much information as it becomes available. Every day violence is put upon the people forced to live in these conditions. There is not enough running water, there is limited access to electricity, and none at all to the majority who live in the jungle. There is painfully little done about any of this by the authorities inside the camp, and even less by Greek and European governments. Every day, every person in Vial has their rights violated. How can over 5000 people be allowed to live in place like this? We report on this all the time, and its well past the time that serious action is taken from authorities to rectify the situation they have created. For tonight, we hope that everyone will be safe. We will continue to update as we recieve more infomation.
Posted by Are You Syrious? on Saturday, April 18, 2020
V přeplněných táborech na řeckých ostrovech Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Kos a Leros žije kolem 39 tisíc lidí, ačkoliv kapacity jsou určené pro zlomek běženců. Pro srovnání, v dubnu loňského roku jich bylo kolem 14 tisíc. Denně se v táborech odehrávají potyčky a roste napětí. V největším táboře Moria na ostrově Lesbos žije na 19 tisíc uprchlíků, ačkoliv kapacita zařízení je jen 2840 lidí.
Vláda převáží běžence na pevninu, v prvním čtvrtletí přesunula kolem 10 tisíc migrantů. Očekává se, že v následujících týdnech budou převozy pokračovat, ostrovy by mělo opustit kolem 2400 převážně starších a nemocných lidí.