Album se bude jmenovat The Art of Paul McCartney a nových verzí se dočkají písničky od dob Beatles přes Wings až po současnou Paulovu sólo kariéru. Například Bob Dylan si vybral píseň Things We Said Today, B. B. King On the Way, Smokey Robinson So Bad, Barry Gibb When I’m 64, Billy Joel hned dva kousky (Maybe I’m Amazed a Live and Let Die), Willie Nelson Yesterday, Jamie Cullum Every Night, Dr. John Let ’Em In, Alice Cooper Eleanor Rigby a Toots Hibbert a Sly & Robbie předělali Come and Get It.

Bob Dylan
Můžeme se tedy těšit na hard-rock, blues-rock, pop, soul i reggae. Celé to začalo v roce 2003 nápadem producenta Ralpha Salla, který s McCartneym pracoval na úpravě písničky A Love for You z roku 1971.
Sám McCartney do toho nezasahoval, producent si vyhledal desítky umělců a přesvědčil je, aby přispěli svou troškou. V doprovodné kapele byli také McCartneyho spolupracovníci jako Rusty Anderson, Brian Ray, Paul „Wix“ Wickens a Abe Laboriel, Jr. Jako první nahrál svou verzi písně Wanderlust Brian Wilson.

Jamie Cullum se stal miláčkem ostravského publika.
Kompilace bude k dostání ve všech možných formátech a verzích, digitálních i fyzických, na CD, vinylech a v limitovaných edicích. Nejluxusnější verzí má být box s DVD, CD, vinylem, knihou, USB pamětí ve tvaru McCartneyho baskytary a dalšími vychytávkami.
The Art Of McCartney (track list)
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be" 20. Cheap Trick's Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen - "Jet"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be" 20. Cheap Trick's Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen - "Jet" 21. Joe Elliott - "Hi Hi Hi"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be" 20. Cheap Trick's Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen - "Jet" 21. Joe Elliott - "Hi Hi Hi" 22. Heart - "Letting Go"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be" 20. Cheap Trick's Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen - "Jet" 21. Joe Elliott - "Hi Hi Hi" 22. Heart - "Letting Go" 23. Steve Miller - "Hey Jude"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be" 20. Cheap Trick's Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen - "Jet" 21. Joe Elliott - "Hi Hi Hi" 22. Heart - "Letting Go" 23. Steve Miller - "Hey Jude" 24. Owl City - "Listen to What the Man Said"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be" 20. Cheap Trick's Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen - "Jet" 21. Joe Elliott - "Hi Hi Hi" 22. Heart - "Letting Go" 23. Steve Miller - "Hey Jude" 24. Owl City - "Listen to What the Man Said" 25. Perry Farrell - "Got to Get You Into My Life"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be" 20. Cheap Trick's Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen - "Jet" 21. Joe Elliott - "Hi Hi Hi" 22. Heart - "Letting Go" 23. Steve Miller - "Hey Jude" 24. Owl City - "Listen to What the Man Said" 25. Perry Farrell - "Got to Get You Into My Life" 26. Dion - "Drive My Car"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be" 20. Cheap Trick's Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen - "Jet" 21. Joe Elliott - "Hi Hi Hi" 22. Heart - "Letting Go" 23. Steve Miller - "Hey Jude" 24. Owl City - "Listen to What the Man Said" 25. Perry Farrell - "Got to Get You Into My Life" 26. Dion - "Drive My Car" 27. Allen Toussaint - "Lady Madonna"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be" 20. Cheap Trick's Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen - "Jet" 21. Joe Elliott - "Hi Hi Hi" 22. Heart - "Letting Go" 23. Steve Miller - "Hey Jude" 24. Owl City - "Listen to What the Man Said" 25. Perry Farrell - "Got to Get You Into My Life" 26. Dion - "Drive My Car" 27. Allen Toussaint - "Lady Madonna" 28. Dr. John - "Let 'Em In"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be" 20. Cheap Trick's Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen - "Jet" 21. Joe Elliott - "Hi Hi Hi" 22. Heart - "Letting Go" 23. Steve Miller - "Hey Jude" 24. Owl City - "Listen to What the Man Said" 25. Perry Farrell - "Got to Get You Into My Life" 26. Dion - "Drive My Car" 27. Allen Toussaint - "Lady Madonna" 28. Dr. John - "Let 'Em In" 29. Smokey Robinson - "So Bad"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be" 20. Cheap Trick's Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen - "Jet" 21. Joe Elliott - "Hi Hi Hi" 22. Heart - "Letting Go" 23. Steve Miller - "Hey Jude" 24. Owl City - "Listen to What the Man Said" 25. Perry Farrell - "Got to Get You Into My Life" 26. Dion - "Drive My Car" 27. Allen Toussaint - "Lady Madonna" 28. Dr. John - "Let 'Em In" 29. Smokey Robinson - "So Bad" 30. The Airborne Toxic Event - "No More Lonely Nights"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be" 20. Cheap Trick's Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen - "Jet" 21. Joe Elliott - "Hi Hi Hi" 22. Heart - "Letting Go" 23. Steve Miller - "Hey Jude" 24. Owl City - "Listen to What the Man Said" 25. Perry Farrell - "Got to Get You Into My Life" 26. Dion - "Drive My Car" 27. Allen Toussaint - "Lady Madonna" 28. Dr. John - "Let 'Em In" 29. Smokey Robinson - "So Bad" 30. The Airborne Toxic Event - "No More Lonely Nights" 31. Alice Cooper - "Eleanor Rigby"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be" 20. Cheap Trick's Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen - "Jet" 21. Joe Elliott - "Hi Hi Hi" 22. Heart - "Letting Go" 23. Steve Miller - "Hey Jude" 24. Owl City - "Listen to What the Man Said" 25. Perry Farrell - "Got to Get You Into My Life" 26. Dion - "Drive My Car" 27. Allen Toussaint - "Lady Madonna" 28. Dr. John - "Let 'Em In" 29. Smokey Robinson - "So Bad" 30. The Airborne Toxic Event - "No More Lonely Nights" 31. Alice Cooper - "Eleanor Rigby" 32. Toots Hibbert with Sly & Robbie - "Come and Get It"
1. Billy Joel - "Maybe I'm Amazed" 2. Bob Dylan - "Things We Said Today" 3. Heart - "Band on the Run" 4. Steve Miller - "Junior's Farm" 5. Yusuf Islam - "The Long and Winding Road" 6. Harry Connick, Jr. - "My Love" 7. Brian Wilson - "Wanderlust" 8. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Bluebird" 9. Willie Nelson - "Yesterday" 10. Jeff Lynne - "Junk" 11. Barry Gibb - "When I'm 64" 12. Jamie Cullum - "Every Night" 13. Kiss - "Venus and Mars"/"Rock Show" 14. Paul Rodgers - "Let Me Roll It" 15. Roger Daltrey - "Helter Skelter" 16. Def Leppard - "Helen Wheels" 17. The Cure, featuring James McCartney - "Hello Goodbye" 18. Billy Joel - "Live and Let Die" 19. Chrissie Hynde - "Let It Be" 20. Cheap Trick's Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen - "Jet" 21. Joe Elliott - "Hi Hi Hi" 22. Heart - "Letting Go" 23. Steve Miller - "Hey Jude" 24. Owl City - "Listen to What the Man Said" 25. Perry Farrell - "Got to Get You Into My Life" 26. Dion - "Drive My Car" 27. Allen Toussaint - "Lady Madonna" 28. Dr. John - "Let 'Em In" 29. Smokey Robinson - "So Bad" 30. The Airborne Toxic Event - "No More Lonely Nights" 31. Alice Cooper - "Eleanor Rigby" 32. Toots Hibbert with Sly & Robbie - "Come and Get It" 33. B.B. King - "On the Way"
34. Sammy Hagar - "Birthday"