Slovní spojení poctivý zloděj je na první pohled nesmyslné, ale čas od času se objeví případ, kdy je naprosto přiléhavé. Platí to například pro mladého muže, jenž se na začátku měsíce vloupal do obchodu u čerpací stanice ve městě Palm Coast na východním pobřeží Floridy.
A Cocoa Beach man who broke into a local gas station and left behind his debit card on the counter was one of 18 arrests made this weekend by the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO) between 6am on February 2, 2023, and 6am on February 6, 2023. Over the weekend, deputies handled 868 calls for service along with 135 traffic stops. “Great job by Sergeant Parthemore and Deputies Hartley and Fowler on quickly identifying, interviewing, and arresting the suspect who broke into a local gas station,” said Sheriff Rick Staly. Thankfully they were able to quickly return all of the stolen merchandise back to the store owner. This is exactly why I implemented district policing when I became Sheriff in 2017. With district policing, deputies get to learn their assigned area and the criminals that try to prey on our community.” Below is a summary of the more notable calls from over the weekend. Cocoa Beach Man Arrested After Breaking into Palm Coast Gas Station, Leaving Behind His Debit Card Early Sunday morning, deputies responded to a Palm Coast gas station in reference to a commercial business alarm sounding. Upon arrival, deputies located the front door of the business unlocked. After ensuring there was no one inside, deputies located a debit card with the name Lantz Kurtz on the counter near the register. The owner of the business showed deputies surveillance footage of a white male entering the store through the back, taking several items, and then unlocking the front door and exiting. Deputies recognized the male from a previous vehicle fire near the gas station earlier in the night. Deputies made contact with Kurtz nearby in the same location as his disabled vehicle who later admitted to breaking into the business and taking the items. Kurtz alleged that he left behind his debit card so he could go back to the business and pay for the items later. “He must have really wanted those items to break into a closed convenience store to get them,” added Sheriff Staly. “Leaving a debit card behind does not absolve you from theft or committing a burglary.” Kurtz was placed under arrest for Armed Burglary of a Dwelling/Structure and Petit Theft – 1st Degree. He was booked into the Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Detention Facility and later released after posting $10,000 bond. -- Traffic Stop Leads to Narcotics Arrest, Other Charges On Saturday morning, Deputy Gaddie conducted a traffic stop in the area of US1 and CR304 in Bunnell. The driver, Thomas Workman Jr., was found to be driving without a valid Florida driver’s license. Upon a search of the vehicle, deputies located marijuana, fentanyl, and oxycodone. Workman Jr. was placed under arrest and charged with Possession of Fentanyl, Possession of Oxycodone, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Using Other State Driver’s License While Florida DL Suspended, and Failure to Acquire a Florida Driver’s License. He was booked into the Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Detention Facility and later released after posting $4,500 bond.
Posted by Flagler County Sheriff's Office on Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Poté, co v obchodě sebral pár věcí, položil na pult svou platební kartu. Na základě toho a s využitím kamerových záznamů pak měli policisté značně usnadněnou práci, a tak mladíka zakrátko dopadli.
Ten nekladl žádný odpor a s policií spolupracoval. Sdělil jim, že kartu na místě nechal proto, aby se mohl později vrátit a zaplatit. „Nechtěl jsem nic ukrást, vím, že je to nezákonné,“ řekl při dopadení zasahujícím policistům.
Posted by Fox Sports Radio 1400 Texarkana on Friday, February 10, 2023
„Musel ty věci asi opravdu hodně potřebovat,“ komentoval případ šerif okresu Flagler Rick Staly. Zároveň doplnil, že zanechání platební karty nic nemění na tom, že došlo k porušení zákona.
Mladý muž tak dostal svou platební kartu zpět, ale při té příležitosti byl také zatčen a obviněn z trestných činů vloupání a krádeže.
Zloděj na útěku se nevědomky schoval v sídle německého prezidenta