Motocyklista ujel georgijským dálničním policistům již v první polovině prosince, policie okresu Clayton to zveřejnila na svém facebookovém účtu až v pátek.
Neúspěšným pronásledováním pátrání policie neskončilo. „Poté, co se o honičce doslechl poručík Reimers, začal prohledávat sociální sítě,“ stojí v příspěvku. Policista skutečně na Tik Toku a YouTube objevil záznam z honičky, který odpovídal policejnímu hlášení.
🚨Investigative Skills Lead to Suspect's Arrest🚓 Georgia State Patrol pursued a motorcycle through Henry and Clayton County and ultimately lost contact with the vehicle. After hearing about the chase, Lieutenant Reimers began searching social media and was able to locate video on Tik Tok and Youtube that appeared to be recorded by the suspect during the pursuit. Lieutenant Reimers observed that the motorcycle used was a relatively rare sports bike, a 2022 Triumph Street Triple RS that had been modified from its factory specifications. Using this information, Lieutenant Reimers checked our investigative software and found that there was only one, Triumph Street Triple RS registered in this area. The vehicle was registered to a subject off Shangrila Circle in Riverdale. The Instagram handle noted by Lieutenant Reimers. Lieutenant Reimers continued researching this subject and his motorcycle and found photos of the motorcycle at the suspects residence on the suspects social media. He then reached out to Georgia State Patrol advised him of the information he had found. On December 14, 2022, a Georgia State Patrol Trooper came to the Sector 4 Precinct to meet with Lieutenant Reimers. Following the meeting, Lieutenant Reimers and the Georgia State Patrol Trooper went to the 1000th block of Shangrila Circle, Riverdale, GA to conduct a “knock and talk”. During the “knock and talk”, Lieutenant Reimers and the Georgia State Patrol Trooper talked to the suspect, viewed the motorcycle, and ultimately the suspect admitted that he was the driver who fled from the Georgia State Patrol Trooper in the original incident. Twelve arrest warrants were obtained for the suspect. Without the diligent efforts of Lieutenant Reimers to go above and beyond the call of duty, it is highly likely that the offender would not have been identified and he could have continued to endanger the citizens of Clayton County. Please reach out to Georgia State Patrol in reference to information on the original incident, suspect information, and/or arrest charges.
Posted by Clayton County Police Department on Friday, January 6, 2023
Co víc, motorkář jel na relativně vzácném upraveném sportovním motocyklu Triumph Street Triple RS 2022. V okolí se dle registrací vyskytoval pouze jeden takový stroj. Pátrání pak už bylo vlastně jednoduché.
O pár dní později policisté zaklepali na dveře majitele motocyklu, který se záhy přiznal. Ukázalo se, že je na něj vydáno už dvanáct příkazů k zatčení v různých okresech za různé delikty.
Opilý řidič SUV jel v Praze jak šílenec, po honičce s policií vytáhl lodní průkaz