Před Vánoci, kdy se utrácí za dárky, může finanční trest za nějaký přestupek znamenat o to větší problém a o to větší stres. Nadšení řidičů, zastavených maderskými policisty, tedy bylo o to větší, protože čekali problém, a na videích, která kancelář šerifa sdílela na Facebooku, to je hezky vidět.
*SOUND ON* Operation: Random Acts of Kindness 2019 💚 For the fifth consecutive year, #MCSODeputies teamed up with Agriland Farming Company Inc. employees to commit 50 Random Acts of Kindness throughout Madera County. Thanks to their generous donation of $5,000, deputies handed out 50 $100 bills today. #SheriffVarney mentioned that deputies primarily have contact with citizens when something stressful or bad is happening. This annual giving event allows deputies an opportunity to interact with the public in a positive manner and spread some holiday cheer. Thank you to Agriland employees for your continued partnership, support, and commitment to our community. We are grateful that they have allowed us the unique privilege of being a part of this wonderful act of generosity each year.
Posted by Madera County Sheriff's Office on Monday, 23 December 2019
Sto dolarů je v českých korunách cca 2275 korun, což člověk jen tak na zemi nenajde. Bralo se z pětitisícového balíku (necelých 114 tisíc korun), darovaného kalifornskou firmou Agriland Farming, která se zabývá řízením a rozvojem farem. Policisté tedy potěšili 50 lidí.
*SOUND ON* Operation: Random Acts of Kindness 2019 💚 For the fifth consecutive year, #MCSODeputies teamed up with Agriland Farming Company Inc. employees to commit 50 Random Acts of Kindness throughout Madera County. Thanks to their generous donation of $5,000, deputies handed out 50 $100 bills today. #SheriffVarney mentioned that deputies primarily have contact with citizens when something stressful or bad is happening. This annual giving event allows deputies an opportunity to interact with the public in a positive manner and spread some holiday cheer. Thank you to Agriland employees for your continued partnership, support, and commitment to our community. We are grateful that they have allowed us the unique privilege of being a part of this wonderful act of generosity each year.
Posted by Madera County Sheriff's Office on Monday, 23 December 2019
Projekt se jmenuje „Operation Random Acts of Kindness”, tedy česky „Operace náhodné laskavosti”, a přesně na to cílí - náhodně rozdávat před Vánoci radost a vylepšit vztah policie s obyvateli. Podle dostupných informací běží v tomto okrese už pátým rokem.
*SOUND ON* Operation: Random Acts of Kindness 2019 💚 For the fifth consecutive year, #MCSODeputies teamed up with Agriland Farming Company Inc. employees to commit 50 Random Acts of Kindness throughout Madera County. Thanks to their generous donation of $5,000, deputies handed out 50 $100 bills today. #SheriffVarney mentioned that deputies primarily have contact with citizens when something stressful or bad is happening. This annual giving event allows deputies an opportunity to interact with the public in a positive manner and spread some holiday cheer. Thank you to Agriland employees for your continued partnership, support, and commitment to our community. We are grateful that they have allowed us the unique privilege of being a part of this wonderful act of generosity each year.
Posted by Madera County Sheriff's Office on Monday, 23 December 2019
Zastavení motoristé ovšem nebyli bez poskvrnky - dopustili se drobných přestupků. Ty ale policisté přehlédli a místo pokutových lístků rozdávali obálky s penězi. „Policisté jsou v kontaktu s občany, zejména pokud se stane něco stresujícího nebo špatného. Tenhle každoroční projekt dává příležitost se s lidmi bavit v pozitivním duchu,” uvedl na Facebooku šerif Jay Varney.